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Vibration is Energy


Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

— Albert Einstein

I will not go into too much detail of Quantum Physics just to save your mind from a headache.

I will describe in minimal detail, so you can learn how to harness this skill and become a deliberate creator of your beautiful life.

You will hear things like vibration, frequency, harmonize and resonate. It's simply the language that this is taught in.

It explains how our senses interpret everything around us in our field and translates it through specific vibrations. Quantum physics defines this field as "invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm."

Humans have the unique ability and gift of consciously controlling our thoughts. We have choice and free will and the ability to direct our energy consciously. However, it's a pretty small % compared to how much of what we vibrate is actually unconscious thought.

Our thoughts create a very real and specific vibration (whether we are aware of it or not) and that energy will seek out its vibrational match. Just like when you ping a tuning fork, it will cause another nearby object of the same frequency to match its vibration and then they are in vibrational harmony with one another.

The basic definition of Laws of Attraction states that energy attracts to itself other energy with which it's in vibrational resonance with. Both the nonphysical and physical aspects of our universe are made up of energy and intelligence that vibrates. Nothing rests. The difference between physical matter that we can perceive with our senses and the unseen is the rate of vibration.

This law is responsible for the difference between what we can see with our naked eyes, like our hands, for example, and that which we cannot see but is there, like a radio wave.

Have you ever noticed how many things come in waves? A wave of water in the ocean, a wave of light from the sun, a wave of air in the wind, a wave of sound from thunder, a wave of heat in your oven, a wave of emotion that comes over you. All energy travels in waves (or vibrations) and it can never be created or destroyed - it just changes forms.

Your thoughts are energy too and your brain is the most powerful electromagnetic processing tool ever created.

Belief systems are energy too and they are what's getting in the way of our energy flow and affecting our ability to attract the life circumstances we would desire.

You can use many therapies or meditation to clear out the underlying subconscious issues and programming that can open you to a new possibility and a new reality.

Plainly stated Your Vibration is made up of Your Thoughts + Your Feelings + Your Intentions + Your Actions… I like to add one more thing… Your Desires

When aligning with what you desire, it is key to shift your thoughts, feelings, desires, intentions and actions to align with those of the YOU who already has what you want.

You can use this effect to heal your body, perform better intellectually or physically, plan your dream vacation, have awesome days where everyone is super nice to you, get a raise, attract like-minded friends and amazing opportunities, synchronicities, and much, much more.

There is the ability of Laws of Attraction, the ability to magically attract anything you want into your life. Your emotions contain signature energetic vibrations, as with everything else.

You shape your reality by practicing and amplifying a consistent signature energetic vibration of what you want to create. Because everything is energy, your vibration creates a sympathetic resonance that activates the vibrations of anything with resonance to your vibration.

You define it, create it and grow from it. Remember, just as we seek growth, challenge and thrill in a movie or video game, it is the same in the story of our lives. This law is responsible for the difference between what we can see with our naked eyes, like our hands, for example, and that which we cannot see but is there, like a radio wave.

Sometimes we think we're focusing on what we desire, but underneath, we're really focusing, believing, (and vibrating) on the fact that we don't have it. Once you clear your subconscious blocks and low vibrations, it allows you to expand your mind and then choose new actions that will create a different result.

Just believe

I believe in you,



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